3 Important Factors to Consider When Choosing a Team Building Program

May 10, 2019
Make sure your experience checks all the boxes.

When choosing a team building activity for their team, people have a tendency to focus on the easiest choice. Whether that’s the cheapest option, the closest distance, or the shortest amount of time away from the office, people are inclined to choose whatever is easiest. What they often don’t realize is that true team building provides certain qualities that outings masquerading as team building may not and you should make sure the activity you choose checks all the necessary boxes.

  1. Activity Focused vs Outcome Focused

Is the focus on the activity itself or the outcome your team stands to gain? There are plenty of outings that allow your team to get away from the office, but what is your team taking away from these outings? Is it an afternoon of moaning about a manager or is it an instrumental experience that will build internal relationships and improve overall productivity? Each Signature Teambuilding experience is designed around the specific behaviors you can expect your team to gain whether these be collaboration, leadership, or innovation. So when choosing a team building activity, ask yourself, is this experience focused on the activity or the lasting outcome?

2. Expense vs Investment

Money is often a factor when choosing a team building experience and everyone likes to save a few bucks. It’s easy to focus on the price per participant and choose the most cost-effective option, but you’ll first want to ask yourself: Is this a one-time expense or an investment in our team’s future? You may have a coupon for an afternoon of mini-golf or a few free appetizers at a local restaurant, but neither of these activities contribute to the betterment of your group. Instead, consider investing in an experience that will provide your team with successful behaviors that will continuously improve operations.

3. Exclusive vs Inclusive

Don’t risk losing group participation by choosing an activity that excludes certain members. Signature Teambuilding’s inclusive programs are designed to make sure everyone can participate regardless of skill level or ability. They’re conducted on a level playing field where participants are encouraged to show up as their most authentic selves. Is your desired team outing inclusive or does it risk excluding certain team members?

These are just a few important factors to consider when choosing a team building experience for your group. Don’t let the cheapest or simplest option beat out what will be a lasting, important experience for your group. Signature Teambuilding provides outcome-based learning through inclusive programs that contribute to the long-term growth of your team. When you look at our activities based on each of these factors, the choice becomes clear. 

Signature Teambuilding

(804) 651-8888
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