Unite Your Organization

Teams are tasked with planning and embarking on an expedition to Antarctica to collect as many specimens as possible in just 20 weeks. Teams are outfitted with sufficient but not excessive resources for the journey so planning, collaboration and teamwork are mission critical. This tabletop simulation will transport your team to the unexplored regions of the Southern Hemisphere in an unforgettable and unforgiving trek across Antarctica.
See how Expedition Antarctica inspires a sense of responsibility within your team—watch the short video below!
“The group really enjoyed Expedition Antarctica because it was hands-on and out-of-the-box. The energy was high and the participants enjoyed putting leadership skills to the test. One said, “This activity made me look inside myself… about how I reacted and interacted throughout the game… and what that means about my leadership style.”
Grace E. Harris
Leadership Institute


We identify the lessons of leadership from renowned explorers of an iconic period in history known as the “Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration”. Earnest Shackleton, Roald Amundsen and Robert Falcon Scott, with their teams and dogs, faced the most unforgiving odds and unfavorable climate conditions. Explore the many facets of leadership and what it takes to successfully lead a team.


When teams work in “siloed” environments due to geography, areas of responsibility, or the advent of virtual teams, they often forget they are part of a larger “one”. The results of this can be competition for resources and creating win/lose work environments. We explore the idea that collaboration is a “proactive” process rather than a “reactive” process.

Strategic Thinking

Teams that are strategic and nimble are poised to succeed in today’s work environment. Teams that are able to focus on the goal and develop a strategic foresight capacity will have the greatest degree of success. However, teams must also be agile, creative, and open to alternate outcomes to evaluate and anticipate unforeseen future outcomes.

Signature Teambuilding

(804) 651-8888
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