Teambuilding Blog

Thoughts and observations from thirty years of experience in the teambuilding industry.
By Greg Huber

Team Building in Action: The Medical Society of Virginia

The Medical Society of Virginia is an organization in Richmond, Virginia that supports Virginia physicians in the practice of medicine, regardless of specialty, level of experience, geography or practice setting. Their organization consists of two sides- the insurance...

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Important Factors of Team Building Part II

We previously discussed some important factors to consider when choosing a team building outing. To be considered true team building, you should look for activities that are focused on the outcome and not the activity, are an investment in your team, and strive for...

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From Negative to Positive; The Importance of Attitude

Have you ever approached a new experience with hesitation, distrust, and a negative attitude? Been so skeptical that you refused to open your mind to the experience? Did you magically end up having a great time at said experience? I’m guessing not. When you have...

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On Being a Small Business.

...and the importance of flexibility Signature Teambuilding is a Richmond-based, small business that provides facilitated team building and leadership development programs to businesses of all sizes.  The key differentiator to our type of team building are the expert...

Working Remotely?

We Are Here To Help. These are Unprecedented Times. While we don't know yet what COVID-19 will mean for us in 6 weeks, or 6 months, or 6 years; what we do know is that we are currently experiencing a life and work style change that we have never been through before....

Test Drive Your Teambuilding

Before making a large purchase or investment, we often employ the powers of the internet to research all the ins and outs before we make our move. We look up rates and reviews, scour our online resources for pictures or stories; basically ensure we have done our due...