Team Building Customized For You

October 15, 2019

When choosing a team building provider, a factor that is often overlooked is flexibility. Having to make your decision based on price, location, or number of participants can limit your options. Your business, its people, and its challenges are all unique, so why would you choose a “one size fits all” experience? Having a flexible and customized program for your team shouldn’t be a nice-to-have, it should be a must-have! When choosing a team building provider, think about all the unique qualities of your company and examine all those same areas in which we can offer flexibility. 

Program Design

Rather than providing everyone with the same experience, Signature Teambuilding customizes our programs with your team in mind. When designing a program, we focus on your goal and objectives. What challenges are you facing within your team? What would you like your employees to break through? What lessons do you want people to takeaway from the experience? These are just a few of the questions we might ask when planning your program. We work backwards to build a program based off of what you would like to achieve; that’s how we create the most effective experiences!


Another area in which we can offer flexibility is location. Not in Richmond? Not a problem! We’ve conducted our programs in 5 different countries and in 41 states; we go where we are needed! Are you based in Richmond, but don’t have a facility? Again, that’s no problem. Our partnership with U-Turn Sports Academy allows us to provide our clients with an excellent indoor space if they do not have their own (or if they just want to venture off-site). 

Quantity of People

Are there 5 people on your team or 500? From small groups to large, our programs are completely scalable. With Signature Teambuilding, there is no limit on the amount of participants you can bring to the experience and no group is too small. 

Time and Price

Maybe you can devote the whole day to the experience, but what if you only have an hour to spare? If you’re restricted by time, we can handpick the activities that we feel would be the most advantageous for your team and design a program that maximizes its impact within your limited timeframe. If price is a factor, let’s start a dialogue! Making sure we are accessible to everyone is important to us and we can work with you on a program that fits into your organization’s budget.

Our programs can be tailored in a multitude of ways. Whether you require flexibility in regards to location, quantity of people, or price, we will work with you to make sure the needs of your organization are met. With Signature Teambuilding, you don’t have to fit into our box; we fit into yours. 

Signature Teambuilding

(804) 651-8888
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