The Importance of Team Building.

July 2, 2020

Recently, Signature Teambuilding President, Greg Huber, guest/co-wrote a blog post with InnerWill Leadership!

At Signature Teambuilding, we love sitting down with like minded people.  Greg was excited for the chance to partner will InnerWill Leadership Institute for this blog post! Many folks get that team building is important.  However, not as many understand why.  Or how to make it meaningful.

Initially, Greg talked about WHY team building is important for groups and organizations of all makeups.  Then, he went on to explain what can go wrong, and why it is crucial to select the right experience for your team.

He focuses on two of the biggest obstacles.  The first is mistaking team BONDING for team BUILDING and the next is not fully committing to outcome based change.

Next you can follow the link below to navigate to the original blog post and find out how you can avoid these situations.

“Effective team building activities allow for different perspectives, improve communication, build trust, and reinforce a spirit of collaboration and unity. Yet many organizations relegate team building activities to a ‘one and done’ obligation instead of seeing them as a vital investment in company culture. In short, these folks are committed to a great day out, and less inclined to achieve sustainable results. “

-Greg Huber, Signature Teambuilding President.


Signature Teambuilding

(804) 651-8888
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