We Are Here To Help.
These are Unprecedented Times. While we don’t know yet what COVID-19 will mean for us in 6 weeks, or 6 months, or 6 years; what we do know is that we are currently experiencing a life and work style change that we have never been through before. If you have not been yet, many of you will soon shift to working remotely and only engaging with your clients and teams virtually. Each of you will find the best ways to carry on your professions and move your work online if it isn’t there yet. While it may be challenging and unforeseen your team has the capacity to tackle the move. And still…
We Want To Support You. While we have never lived through a pandemic quite like this one, with over 30 years of work and experience in the Teambuilding and Group Dynamics world, Signature Teambuilding is here for you and your companies. Keeping your team connected, energized, and on the same page working towards the same goals is about to become more challenging than ever before.
Consider these four tips for helping your team manage the change:
1) Check-in with your team regularly. While focusing on the work at hand is important, take the time to check in with the people behind the staff member. How are Kelly’s kids responding to the closure of schools? Did Andrew ever find that ground beef he was searching grocery stores for? Connect with your people.
2) Consider participating in or running virtual challenges for your staff. These can mirror your daily work or responsibilities, they can branch out into the wellness needs of your team, or they can be simple, silly, and fun- like theme days!
3) Express gratitude and appreciation for your team members whenever possible. Shout them out and celebrate their wins. And, more importantly, encourage them to do the same for others in their lives.

4) Consider exploring Signature Teambuilding’s newest program… Virtual Teams! via Zoom! At just $25 per person, this online-based teambuilding program is a terrific way to reenergize your team and reconnect with colleagues to solve challenges, work collaboratively (distantly) and have A LOT of fun.
Virtual Teams!
Virtual Teambuilding is here. Just because we are all working remotely these days, doesn’t mean you can’t connect with your team in a fun, productive, and challenging way!
How It Works: Each participant will join a ZOOM video conference from their own office or device. Once a participant has entered the meeting, they will be sent a unique PDF and team member identifier that will contain everything needed for the activities in the Virtual Teams! event. A seasoned facilitator will guide your group through the activities on the PDF while facilitating the learning process and outcomes. Your team will work together for some activities, and in several different “breakout rooms” for others. There are more than 10 different challenges, however, the number completed will depend on the team’s performance.