Would you like to be a leader whose message resonates with those who receive it?
In order to ensure your message is received as you intend it, a solid foundational understanding of different communication and behavioral styles is imperative. We will explore this topic in-depth through the lens of the DiSC behavior assessment.

Given that communication is a two-way street, this competency is taught alongside The Ears of a Leader.

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Understand and apply basic principles of the Sender and Receiver communication model
  • Discover your DiSC style and how it influences your behavior and communication styles
  • Adapt your behavior and communication to accommodate those who prefer a different style

Get Started

Download the program guide and then Contact Us today to get started!

The HEART of a Leader
The MIND of a Leader
The VOICE of a Leader
The EARS of a Leader
The HANDS of a Leader
The FEET of a Leader
The SPINE of a Leader
The EYES of a Leader
Signature Teambuilding

(804) 651-8888
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